I had trouble thinking of a title so I decided to just go with the name of one of my most favourite Japanese dishes. In addition, I felt like the most memorable conversation topic (for me) between me, Karen (aka #TheIntrovertToMyExtrovert) and Jmok (aka #NotHorseButSheep) was our discussion regarding Oyster Motoyakis. If you don’t know, oyster motoyakis are baked oysters covered in cheese (or something… I don’t know, I’m not a foodie. I’m just responsible for eating it).
The reason why this dish was brought up was because we planned to meet at Metrotown to eat at that Japanese restaurant, Shishiya (is that how you spell it?!). Little did we know, that restaurant closed down #YouKnowYouveBeenAwayForALongTimeWhen. Anyway, I was expressing my disappointment because one thing I really liked about that restaurant was the way they prepared their oyster motoyakis. More specifically, their OM (I’m just gonna refer to them as this now because my fingers are getting tired… but I actually typed more trying to explain why I’ve shortened it to OM #OhTheIrony) are actually in oyster shells instead of fake shells (okay what I mean is tin (?) trays). Like so:

Anywho, I just thought that by utilizing their actual shells made it more legimate and IMO I thought it tasted better. But no… Karen just had to ruin this whole idea for me by suggesting that there’s a possibility that they could be reusing the shells. GROSSSSSS #LostMyAppetite #JK #IWouldNever. So what I really want to know is that whether or not these are actually reused?! DOES ANYONE KNOW?! #PlsTellMe #ImReadyForTheTruth (I feel like a little kid learning about the idea of Santa for the first time).
Instead, we headed over to Kingsway Sushi for lunch. BTW, did you guys know that Kingsway Sushi does not offer order forms?! #HowInconvenient. Obviously we pigged out at lunch but the important thing about lunch was that I learned that Jon was born in the year of the sheep and not the year of the horse so there’s basically no chance of there ever being a Jisa because astrology compatibly is obviously very important #CantTellIfImSerious. These two also made me realize how much I’ve been away from the cadet world 🙁 I hope you guys have fun this summer @ Alberthead!! See you at CofF’s?
For dessert, we visited our spot (making it sound like we’re some romantic threesome or something #SingleBuddies4Life) aka That-One-Gelato-Place-That-Has-A-Million-Flavors-But-I-Forgot-The-Name.

We were gonna compete to see who wore Karen’s mom’s sun-thingy (what are these called) the best but the two of them forgot to take pictures. It’s obviously because they knew I was gonna win #Weak.

As luck would have it, I bumped into Sean (ughhh FML #JK #ILY) when I was trying to go back home from Metrotown. I don’t usually shop with guys but I gotta admit, Sean’s a pretty good boy to shop with 😉 #IHaveHisNumberIfYouWantAShoppingCompanion

lol going full asian tourist with that headband eh
Yeah, maybe my blog can help make it a trend 😉
Is that in British Colombia? I hope to visit Victoria and Salt Spring Island some time. Do you have any other recommendations for destinations in BC?
Yes, that’s in BC! I hope you get a chance to visit sometime, it’s beautiful here 🙂
Um… depends on what you would like to see/do specifically. But generally if you’re here for the first time, I would recommend paying a visit to Yaletown (Science World), Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver Island, Gastown etc. If you’re into outdoor stuff, you could go hiking up at the Chief, Grouse Grind, Vancouver Island (once again), go camping, Cultus Lake. There’s also really good night life in downtown! 🙂 And there’s a TON of good food as well (especially sushi) but depends on what you want to eat 🙂
Hope that helps!! Sorry if it was such a long reply haha 😛