After being away from home for exactly 211 days (not like I counted or anything), I finally got the chance to go back home. As much as I have grown to love Toronto, nothing (and I mean NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G) compares to sushi in Vancouver and my mom’s home cooking. This time, not only did I bring my beautiful humble soul but I also brought along my two biggest fans (LOL jk #butAmI).

The best part of the trip was hands down hiking. We were stuck in the city for most of the summer so it was good to finally be part of nature and live the Adam and Eve lifestyle (with clothes on though) #DramaQueenHour.
Some of the hikes that we did:
We attempted the Garibaldi hike since it seemed to be the “hike of the summer” but we weren’t able to finish it unfortunately :(. Wise words of the day: do NOT start a 6 hour hike at 4pm or else it will be dark by the time you get back and also don’t go on the biggest & fastest zip-line of North America before you do the hike or else it will tire you out.
Speaking of zip lining, I would like to publicly state that I was tricked into doing this I was under the impression that the zip line is gonna be fairly flat and very scenic. And even though it was scenic, when I first saw the trail I thought I was going to die because the Sasquatch starts off by pretty much dropping you to your death (#DQH). But in all seriousness, I had one of the best times and it was only scary for about the first 30 seconds (but then again I’m extremely acrophobic so you might not find it as scary). Overall, I had an amazing time and I’m glad these guys dragged me because I probably wouldn’t have done it otherwise (definitely would recommend to friend ;)) #thanksyouguys.
The hike itself was quite enjoyable because it wasn’t all steep and uphill like the Garabaldi and it was also more scenic throughout #yay. The famjam even came along on this one so they got some bonding done with Tony & Vic #PartOfMyFam. Anyway, the hike would have been 100% perfect if only I didn’t leave my phone on a tree that made us go 1/4 down the mountain then hike all the way back up then all the way back down #ImSorryGuys #ILoveYouAll.
We also went to Vancouver Aquarium After Dark event and we were shortly joined by Emily afterwards ;). Just a reminder to our friend Victor who promised us that he would buy us Dior sunglasses – thanks man.