Since I’ve been working non-stop and I basically PTFO once I get home, I decided to just jumble the last week of June into one blog post entirely. #LazinestAtItsFinest
As I mentioned in my last blog post, I had an upcoming date with this one:

This time ’round, we went for some dim sum!!! When we got there, they didn’t have any empty tables for us so the waitress got us to share one big table. We ended up having a blast as we talked about the food, their travels, and basically anything we can think about.
BTW, Eric got me loving baked buns instead of steamed. THEY’RE SO GOOD!! It’s crispy on the outside but soft on the inside and they make your heart melt in a way that puppies can’t. #YeahIJustSaidThat
Since Eric had work afterwards, he dropped me off at Metrotown where I met up with my co-worker Andrea who’s leaving for Toronto. What I love about shopping with Andrea is that she’s been a way longer shopaholic than I have so she gives really good advice when it comes to buying things 😉 #EvenThoughWeShouldntBeBuyingAtAll #ButAnyway #YOLO?

I also saw my twinnie Erin Jay as we hit up the last day of June Clientele. Trust me when I say this but… nobody is on the same level as us when it comes to shopping at Aritzia ;). This is the girl I spent 6 hours with at the warehouse sale last year and went to Clientele the day before our final exam (or something like that). #WeCray #WeTakeThisVerySeriously

Later on, I saw Victor and Graham as we dined at Homer Street Cafe & Bar and had our own version of a CAISA reunion. #VancouverVersion #WhoNeedsToBeInToronto #NotBitterAtAll

And finally, the last day of June, I saw CAITLYN <3 #YAY. We went go-karting for the first time (well technically it’s my second time but first time using the adult karts) with my co-workers. So… everyone lapped me at least 2 times and someone even lapped me 4 times… #Embarrassing #IDriveSafeThough.
And… onto July now!!!