I was in a rude awakening today when Vancouver reminded me of just how bipolar it can be. I haven’t had bipolar weather in awhile just because living in Ontario during the winter months, I know my #OOTD everyday includes a winter parka and snow boots. In Taiwan, I know that even being naked will not help with the heat so I try to dress as little as humanly possible in the most socially acceptable manner. But Vancouver?! MY FRIEND, LET ME TELL YOU, NO CLOTHES WILL PREPARE YOU UNLESS YOU CARRY A DAY PACK. Listen. In the morning you wake up to beautiful sunshine with the sun rays glistening on your skin. You assume it’s going to be beautiful weather so you walk out with a nice sun dress and sunglasses. But then BAM. In the afternoon it’s pouring rain and the temperature drops 10 degrees. I thought only girls get PMS, I didn’t think Mother Nature itself had it too #GuessIWasWrong.

Aside from the weather being a weirdo, I had an absolutely amazing day!! Possibly because I met up with my two favourite Disney princesses, Caitlyn & Theresa.
I met Caitlyn the summer of grade 8 when I went to my first cadet camp. The minute we sat beside each other on the bus and sang along to HSM and annoyed the heck out of everyone on the bus, we knew it was true love. Oh, and not to mention that we stole our friend’s camera and forced him to upload an entire album of us in our barracks #WeKnowYouLovedIt.

You may remember Theresa from my 2nd post on this blog to Toronto but did you know that we also met in cadets?! #JoinCadets #ItsAMatchMakingIndustry. We flew half way across the country to visit Ottawa for the first time in our lives with cadets and realized we were sisters when our short legs couldn’t keep up with the rest of the crowd #ThankYouShortLegs.

The 3 of us are obsessed (understatement) with Disney (mainly HSM… #OkayFine #ItsZacEfron). So together… we are invincible #JK. Take a minute to picture a group of screaming LGs at a Taylor Swift concert… Yeah, that’s us. And by the way, that wasn’t even a joke. It really happened.
We even have multiple Disney sleepovers throughout the year:

TRYING TO GET BACK ON TOPIC #BecauseILoveLongIntroductionsApparently, we had a fabulous (who got that subtle HSM2 reference?!) day that included:
1) Picture-Taking

2) Downtown-Walking

3) Ramen-Eating
PS. Who thinks that the whole “ramen-eating” “downtown-walking” “picture-taking” sounds like that Christmas song, 12 day of Christmas?! (Nine Ladies Dancing
Eight Maids a Milking
Seven Swans a Swimming
Six Geese a Laying
Oh, I also went to the dentist earlier that day but I don’t think anyone wants to read about that… #OrDoYou.
After downtown, I headed over to Richard’s for a BNSS reunion. I mean, to celebrate his birfday #SameThing – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RICHARD!!! #LessThan3Moment. Unfortunately, I had work the next day so I couldn’t really drink since I drove but… nobody could tell because everyone was wasted out of their minds. ON A POSITIVE NOTE… We won beer pong 2 times in a row 😉 #YayUs

Hope everyone had a fun (but safe) night!!