Went to eat at Gusto 101 the other day to celebrate my friend Eric’s birthday #HappyBirthdayYouWeirdo! Eric came ALLLLLLLLLLL the way from Vancouver. He claims that he came here to tour around but LET’S BE REAL he missed me and flew right on over. Just kidding, he was on a vacation with his girlfriend. Btw I think this is a great time to mention that I’m a professional third-wheeler so if you’re looking for someone to third-wheel your date, I’m always looking for opportunities! You can find me on LinkedIn but if you would like more details, let me know and I can forward you my resume or we can set up a chat #Networking101.
ANYWAY… more on the topic of this restaurant.
The three of us only ordered three plates to share because the two of them ate beforehand (why would you do that). Overall the food is AMAZING… just look at how happy I am (below).
Here’s what we ordered:

Okay so just to let y’all know this place has a co-ed washroom. I found out because the minute I came out of the stall there was a guy washing his hands. We both looked at each other like “OMFG OMGO OMGOMG I F*#&$ED UP” and he literally looked at every stall and it was marked “W” (for women, FYI) until he saw the one stall labeled “M” and we both laughed and talked about it later. Btw, he admitted to me that even if it was a ladies room he still would have finished drying his hands #madrespect.
Overall, I loooooooved this place and I’m definitely going to go back to grab drinks (and food of course). Definitely one of my favourite restaurants in Toronto so you have to try it!!
& shoutout to Eric because it was his birthday