Drove to my friend Emily’s on Saturday night so we could all catch the ferry together to stay at Jon’s cottage and go jet skiing the next day (YAYYYYYY) #neverbeenjetskiingbefore. Of course me being stupid me left the car lights on when I left so I was feeling kinda bummed on the ferry #WhyAmILikeThis. Thankfully I had good company so that didn’t last very long because soon enough we were drinking my sorrows away #DramaQueenHour.
This past few weeks has really made me appreciate FRESH AIR. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about… there was smoke all over PNW because of wildfires so the air quality wasn’t the greatest – you couldn’t even see the clouds! 🙁 Didn’t even want to go hiking because why in the world would I hike for hours and not see the view I came for?! #Waste #LetsBeReal. Anyway, it was nice that it finally rained Saturday night because it finally cleared the air and it made Sunday so much more enjoyable being able to see the views of the coast.

When we finally got to the jet skis I decided to borrow one of Jon’s wet suits because I’m slightly very afraid of the cold. It actually didn’t turn out too bad so if you’re ever thinking of going jet skiing you could also go without. I only know that it wasn’t too bad because eventually I had to pee so I got out of the wet suit and jumped in the ocean #TMI #Sorry.

Don’t know what’s more fun about jet skiing – being the person in power and driving like a maniac or getting thrown off into the ocean. Either way I’m buying a jet ski one day :D.
On a totally separate note, I finally ate a burger – haven’t had one in YEARS #jk #probablyjustone #DQH. And let me tell you – that Big Mac sauce (available at a Costco near you!) is AH-MAZING. Could eat this all day.
And for those who care (even if you don’t I’m force feeding you information anyway), my car lights were still on when I finally got back to Emily’s house on Sunday. A full 24 hours and the car never ran out of battery. Moral of the story, buy a Honda Civic #1fannow #ImmuneToLisaFuckUps.
Thanks for reading! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
- Shorts – Aritzia
- Bathing suit – Oysho (the best store in the entire planet)
[…] the beach area on their yachts or their jet skis which gave me SO MUCH FOMO and reminded me of the last time I went jet skiing. If I ever win the lottery I’m definitely buying a private yacht. Or jet. and definitely jet […]