Forgive me. I really wanted some bad @$$ title but had trouble coming up with a clever one so I tried to copy bad girl RiRi’s album title as much as possible. The full title is actually “Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded With Birl Models – Shay ft. Victor and Janet) but I couldn’t really fit it so I had to cut off the artist portion. The first half of the title will be self explanatory as you continue to read the post, but “Birl Models” = Boys + Girls because we put make-up on Alan and JJ so they’re pretty much girls. FYI, Alan will be Alana (short for Alana Del Rey) in this post.

For you (and me..) to understand how this got out of hand, I gotta start from the beginning.
I really needed help doing my eyebrows (girls, you understand what I mean, right?) because I usually keep them au naturel and I wanted to try out the bold eyebrow look cause it’s in right now #Conformity (guys, I’m educating you on female fads #YouAreVeryWelcome #URGFsWillThankMeLater) so Shay and Janet decided to step in and help me with my crisis #ThanksGirls #MuchAppreciated.
To be quite honest with you, I don’t exactly know how an eyebrow make-over turned into an identity change but I definitely remember Alan, Victor, Shay and Janet calling me “cute”. Cute. Freaking CUTE. Like, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I don’t spend hours painting my face with my Naked palette and wearing short skirts to be called cute.

HELLS TO THE NO. I wanted to be hawt, y’all. Intimidating, if you know what I’m saying. Not freaking competing with your puppy for cuteness. I think at one point I said, “I want to look like a bad b*****” (excuse the language) and Victor just laughed at my face #ThanksVic #GladIHaveYourSupport. Anywho, from what I remember, this was what began Transformation Tuesday (even though it happened on Monday but that’s not the point right now).

The first attempt was really to get me to look like a typical Vancouver LG. After Shay threw on those false lashes… man, I gotta tell you. I have a new appreciation for girls who wear falsies every day. I almost understand why Vancouver is infested with females wearing fake eyelashes. They felt like umbrellas on my eyes. I guess that makes sense due to the abundance of rain in Vancity #DoYouGetIt #ImSOFunny #HighFive.

But… after throwing on a Gucci belt, an Armani sweater… I realized it really wasn’t the look for me. I mean, I seriously cannot pull this off #WhoDoIThinkIAm. I mean, just look at this.

After taking my after shots, Victor went downstairs and fetched his cool beanie (BTW I’m totally gonna buy one when I’m in Toronto) and his sick crew neck (check out the elbow pads!!!!!!!!! #MindBlown) for yet another look. And… VOILA!

Anyway, after some props and photoshop, Victor managed to make me look like the bad ass that I was born to be. I mean, what can I say. I was just born to be in the mafia. Or something. BTW, Mom, if you’re reading this, I DON’T SMOKE I SWEAR, I LOVE YOU AND THIS IS FAKE, IT’S A PROP. But yeah. I was hesitant to put this on but I guess it’s time to show people the real me…

PS. Check out Victor’s mad photography & photo editing skillz. #TooPro #NotInMediaAndMarketingForNoReason
After Shay helped me bring out my inner bad ass-ness (is that even a thing?), it was time for Alan – I mean, Alana Del Rey – and JJ to have their turn.



And… after all that fun, it was obviously time for… SELFIESSSSSS.
Hope you all enjoyed our new looks for the day! 🙂
Good luck on exams, everyone!
[…] Oh yeah, I finally got a beanie!! Victor really inspired me to get one after my make-over. […]