Went to Beertown on Sunday with Cindy, Jason, and Josh for our second department outing! Josh was about to bail (what else is new #JK #NotReally) because he was “sick” but I’m even sicker so he had no excuse. Long story short, he was dragged out #YouCantSayNoToMe #OrYouGetABlackEye. Anyway, I finally got the chance to try Beertown’s sampler. It’s basically what the name is: a sample of a bunch of beers.
Since we were too poor not down to get drunk (k they weren’t, I was fully down #JK #ButAmIThough), we didn’t get the full sized sampler which was $80 for all 30. Instead, we got two paddles: 1) Sweet + Light (because hell-o, half of us our girls and we want our girlie drinks tyvm #SassySundays) and 2) Tour of Beer.
So we spent the evening sipping on our drinks and catching up. Thank god our mutual friend Alcohol was there because some of the stories that were going around (more like just one person’s story #YouKnowWhoYouAre), really motivated us to finish our drinks 10x faster (and this was when we regretted not getting the full sized sampler).
I’ve wanted to review the ones I liked and didn’t like but after about the 3rd one I got lazy and stopped #WorstCriticEver. All you have to know is that the good ones are:
- Somersby #Basic
- Fruli #Girlie
- English Bay #ShoutoutToVancouver
The nasty ones

Literally, we all took a sip of it and was like, “Gross. Do not try.” It was nasty. I just. I can’t. No words. Just don’t do it. Don’t.
I mean, why do you think the catch phrase is, “A Taste For The Unexpected” #FoodForThought #DramaQueenHour.
The rest of the beers were kinda all just like “meh, tastes the same”. For those of you beer lovers going like, “WTF they’re all so different”. Well… there’s probably a difference but listen pal, we were there for the company, not to be the top commenter on Yelp #YouGoWriteYourOwnPost #EasilyButthurtPeople.
We also shared Mac n’ Cheese afterwards 🙂 #CutestDepartmentEver. What was even cuter was that the waiter knew that two of us (Josh & I) were sick so they gave us all separate plates #AppreciateTheLittleThingsInLife.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
(And Media & Marketing ;D)