Got a surprise visit from Marga on Saturday!
- I love introducing my friends to each other and I love it even more when they get along #YAY #WorldPeace101 #DramaQueenHour
Lucy also joined us shortly later, and we decided to admire the view of my balcony (THANKS ANDRIA) as well as taking a few pictures ;).
(SIDE NOTE #ADDmoment: You know what I just thought of?? Remember back in high school, the word “selfie” didn’t exist and we always used the word “camwhoring”…?! Like what happened to that word… it just disappeared. It’s like “selfie” = Kim Kardashian and “camwhoring” = Paris Hilton #JUSTSAYING #whereisshe) Anyway, we decided to have dinner at this restaurant that’s really close to my house called Hair of the Dog (really doesn’t make it sound appetizing but whatever). I wanted to try this place because every day when I walk to school/yoga/mall I literally see millions a bunch of people on their patio and it always seems packed (so it must be good right?).
The restaurant was super chill and the food tasted AH-MAZING. I kid you not, when I took a bite out of my grilled cheese I quietly whispered to it, “I know this probably means nothing to you, but it just means a lot for me to say this. I don’t really say this that often but when I mean it, I mean it. I just wanted to say… I love you…” #DramaQueenHour. No but seriously, you guys. You have have have to go to this place to try out their Butter Chicken Grilled Cheese. We also ordered their Baked Potatoes which was also really good (but not as good as the fabulous grilled cheese that took me on a trip to heaven and back).

After dinner, Kristina came over to get ready before heading out to Citizen for the first time (well… my first time. It’s probably her one millionth time ;D).

Overall, weekend well spent (since I went out instead of Netflixing). Speaking of Netflix… I started to watch the Mindy Project and I realized that me and Mindy could be BFFLs since she’s also quite the drama queen ;). (Who else watches the Mindy Project?!) Anyway, back to doing my homework now #ExcitingLife. Have an amazing week, y’all
aw looks like you girls had fun! i really like your outfits btw!
thank you!! <3
what a view from the balcony !!
I know! I spend everyday there :p
so jealous!!!